This picture was taken January 2010 just before we moved in to our new house. As you can see Terry has grown alot and he is doing so much now. In the last year he has learned to sit up on his own fjor long periods of time, he stands and walks with assistance. His vocabulary has grown quite a bit. He is currently trying to feed himself. We are so proud of all that he has learned to do. It is hard to remember everythig that he has done. He is in school now and he loves it!! He just loves to be in school and with other children that are close to his age. he learned how to finger paint (not that he didn't know how to do that before he started school) he knows how to hold and use a glue stick, paint with a paint brush... IF I WOULD HAVE LISTENED TO HIS NEUROLOGIST...sure glad I didn't look what my baby can do. He is 3 years old now and doing way more than his doctor thought or gave him credit to do...When I look at Terry I see no limitations I see a little boy that is goingto go far in this lifetime! He is still doing the horseback riding and doing well. He is now learning how to groom his horse and he loves to feed her the snack after his lesson. He is still the happy little boy he has always been maybe even a little more happier since he started school. I have to admit that I was afraid to send him to school at first. There was a fear of how he would adjust to being in school but when that bus picked him up the first day that was it he was hooked!!! I am going to try really hard to update his blog every week....atleast!!!